The night went well beyond my exceptions. well, who would expect the aunties i've known for life of whom really seldom if not never wear any make up turned out amazingly colourful that night. and the grooms, selipar jepun or baju gata (t-shirt), but groomed in coats and matching shoes. And our humble church turned into a beautiful hall. Everyone seems to be very exited. I dont really know how to explain the feeling, just imagine when u attend a wedding of close relative you might sense this feeling as if you can feel the love in the air, well times that to 22! The church is absolutely filled with loves (almost suffocated by it, hehe kiding!)
22 couples participated in this event (i couldnt desplays all pix in here, but you might want to check on my FB, easier to upload in there).
yay! they look gorgeous! sepa kasi make up and all?. nicely laid all those tables! woweeee!
ReplyDeletehuh bapak korang kawin baru kah ni???ur mom is like amoi muda!!! aduhhhhhh..!macam lebih mudah dari korang hehee..congrates uncle and aunty..! slamat pengantin lama hehehe
ReplyDeletepong job well done!!
kahkah. togs, ada mak andam tu datang p rumah (si jekuning bah), lawa kan. the table sumua tu, tu PMM yg bikin, ketua dia of kos cik guus. heheh, without any experience, kagum juga sia sama outcome dia owh.
ReplyDeletejen. kihkih, betul2 thnx on the batt, if not skijap saja abis sudah tu yg kaler merah kuning tu. yg kaler biru juga lah bagus, tapi mahal gila mau mampus, which will be a reminder to not to be so pelupa!
aku pernah melalui kejadian bersama batteri merah kuning itu pong..! hehee..
ReplyDeletewah..congratulation mare..Yeahhh..u did it!!!
ReplyDeletehem..saya rasa ini adalah satu contoh yang sangat baik utk generasi akan datang untuk diikuti..kena renew tu aku janji ooo...wahhh...teladan yg baik....
wah..miagal tanak vagu om sumandak id vagu kopiruba gia molohing nu popong...Kotobian tadau pisasavan kumaa disido..Congrats pong, cantik gambar...
ReplyDeleteaduii...juvi..knpa ko harus taip bahasa yg belum aku master..?
ReplyDeletePong, i gotta say... I had to stop a few times time tinguk ur fb... really really... hmmm... what's the word... wonderful. how awesome to see even the older couples ber-romantice. You captured the moment Awesomely well. Congrats.
ReplyDeletePass on my pat on the back to the organizer as well. Really great details - the ceremony, the tables, the dewan, the cakes, the "pelamin"... everything. Awesome. Simply Awesome.
Nite: iya ure right, living life example kan
ReplyDeletejuvi: pounsikou (wah makin mantap kadazan ko juvi, keep it up)
jen: make me think, i should buy another set of rechargeable batt. mcm perlu 2 set owh kan.
dy: ohh..gosh, sungguh emotional sia ambil gambar2 tu, i think bekos they're no stranger, i know these ppl all my life bah, n to see them in such condition, belawa n beromantik, is sungguh mengharukan. the organizer, i should belanja her makan.
Pong:tq...tapi sebenarnya dusun+kadazan yang x betul..hehe
ReplyDeleteJane:Ko kena jadi org sabah tu klu mo master :)