Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Reading the paper over breakfast on certain assembly bans use of word 'monyet' at sitting is rather funny when later my colleague said over lunch,
"you give me nuts, I give you peanut, you pay me banana, I give you monkey!" (pasal claim dia lambat dapat)

Two total different issues related by the word. It is a monkey day, so lets just monkey-ing around.


  1. kena banned kah monyet?? mcm2 lah...

  2. kenapa word monkey kena ban pong? (ketara bila buka paper - it's to the comic section jak. hehe)

  3. hehehe. ada tu yesterday pny paper, cakap pasal penang bah tu. kan aku ni berada d wilayah opossition. menarik paper d sini, suka baca.

  4. ko spt udah hanyut dalam culture sibu...! baca paper dan duduk kedai kupi..! hahaa...

  5. hahah. sungguuh sempoi boi. I like it here.

  6. you like it there boii? great to hear that...!lebih kurang mcm vietnam kan boii?cuba ko p satu kedai tu selalu...lama2 ko cuma perlu duduk and then diorang serve sebab tau sudah apa ko order :P
