Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The five people you meet in Heaven

An engaging book by Mitch Albom. I read the book last night only to find myself crying in the end of the chapter. His idea of heaven and the five people to meet fascinates me. And I think I had in mind selected my Heaven. A Heaven I would like to spend for eternity.


  1. baru ko baca? (kasi nada si sail). it's one of his favourite book. i have Albom's tuesdays with morrie.

    his perspective of heaven really make sense. aint it? have yet to decide on my five.

  2. tetiba cakap sorang2...i really need to try to love books...

  3. hem...limpas..limpas.... **nda dapat komen pasal tidak suka baca buku.. adoiiii....mau insaf la neh..

  4. sama lah kita nite...kita cerita tentang muvie lah..!

  5. hehe togou: pinjam sail pny buku laitu. I think its not up to u to deicide the 5 ppl. hehehe
    Nite n Jen: tidak payah baca tu buku, ada muvi tu. Hallmark yg bikin. sia tgk muvi dia baru baca the buku. siok juga ni.
