Saturday, January 22, 2011

The discovery of the year

Was talking to my sister on the phone the other day, while packing home. Then suddenly it appeared to me that I lost my phone, OMG I lost my only phone! I started to look for it, checking under the desk, checking my pockets, I even went out to the admin area, and all the while still talking to my sister.

me: I am looking for my phone, natagak handpon ku (I lost my phone)
sister: what??!! you're looking for your phone??
(irritated by her not really helping voice, while feared I might had dropped the phone at KFC during lunch)
me: nevermind, tolipunan ku kawagu ika taanu (I will call you back later)
sister: oo..bah (OK)

then walla! the 'lost' phone appeared.
Later on I called my sister back, and in between laughs she said 'the discovery of the year!'. On the way back I went hunting for cheese cake, for I need to recharge.

Note: the words in itallic are Dusun


  1. one word : BONGOKS...!!!

    made my day...laughing until it hurts

  2. hehe, gilakan. mcm ni pun boleh jadi.

  3. i dont get it ;p..hehehe, popong..adakah hp yang hilang itu yang sedang ko guna bercakap dgn kakak ko?...

  4. juvi...belum terjadi lagi sama ko..tu lah ko tia paham...! sya pun pernah hari tu..tengah cakap sama dawn lepas tu ..panik..aduh hp hilang..!!

  5. wakakakaakka!!!! ada ka mcm tu!!!! adoyai... good one to start my monday!

  6. kihkih. tidak perna terpikir akan ada pengalaman mcm ni. rasa bongks btl. heheh.

    lain kali tidak akan kena lagi.

  7. my side of the story.
    popong: I am looking for my phone, natagak handpon ku (I lost my phone)
    me: what??!! you're looking for your phone??
    (obviously she's not listening to my question. she's rummaging through something. me thinking: she's so busy now, she have to have 2 hps?)

    later on she called back. we had a good laugh and i threatened to write a post on it. bagus juga dia tulis duluan. hahahah..
